Profilbild von PeterMartin Meier MPM Meier Peter-Martin Consulting (c/o reflecta) aus Bern

Peter-Martin Meier


Letztes Update: 04.08.2014

MPM Meier Peter-Martin Consulting (c/o reflecta)

Firma: MPM Meier Peter-Martin Consulting
Abschluss: lic. phil (Mater of philosophy, linguisics), Rechtsagent (lawyer), executive MBA UZH
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (verhandlungssicher) | Spanisch (gut)


Führungskompetenz Unternehmensverwaltung Entscheidungen Treffen Qualitätsaudit Informationssysteme Verwaltungstätigkeiten Pädagogik


Professional Experience
After a time out of several months in order to re-orientate my professional as well as my private life, I started as an independent consultant for management and leadership in autumn 2013 before I merged my firm with reflecta ag on the 1st of January 2014.
As the director of the Swiss Police Institute (SPI), I lead an SME with an authoritative office. I thus made my experience in the Federal Administration and as a senior police officer, as well as my original pedagogical skills, available to all the Swiss police forces. During this time, the SPI was reorganised according to its work processes, a certified quality mana¬ge¬ment system was intro-duced and its services extended – all this without boosting the number of staff. Beside this, the entire system of regulations of the SPI foundation was essentialised, the firm moved it into new rooms and its IT as well as its website were modernised.
Having taken the presidency of the Swiss Council for Road Safety (VSR) beside the SPI, I had to reorganise the VSR, too. It also needed repositioning with a new strategy for the future.
Before this, I had to defend the interests of the traffic police when two new police stations were built for the Kantonspolizei St. Gallen. In spite of the changes in exploitation that were forced upon the projects, I was able to achieve functiona¬l buildings serving all purposes. As its president, I could re-establish the Association of the Swiss Chiefs of Traffic Police (ACVS), that had totally lost its reputation, as an important consulting body for the chief constables and the Federal Roads Authority (FEDRO). I also conducted large police operations, both planned in advance and spontaneously needed.
At the beginning of my career as a senior police officer, in Schwyz, I was able to merge all the police stations with the traffic police without major frictions, in spite of the deep schism within the force. After the Chief Constable had been sacked and I was appointed Chief Constable ad interim, I could appease the parties and foster internal co-operation – despite the reduction of some salaries I had to pronounce after an evaluation of all the jobs in the police force.
After my studies I became a scientific collaborator and deputy chief of the section for the command and deployment of forces in the General Staff of the Federal Ministry of Defense. I was responsible for all the army orders and the concept of rapid reaction regiments and I had to develop the operational plans of Army 95. Moreover, I had to defend the interests of my section in the project of a military command, control and information system.
I have regularly been recognised as a person of systematic, critical and quick thinking, a leader who involves his subordinates in decision making, but still follows a straigt line and respects the politically feasible. Plenty of experience dealing with the mass media, as well as a degree in law and in general business administration round off my profile.

2012 Diploma Executive MBA of the University of Zurich
2001 License authorising me to practise as Rechtsagent*
*Title of the Kanton St. Gallen similar to a barrister with limited competence
1994 Diploma Höheres Lehramt** of Kanton Zurich
**Title of Kanton Zurich for teachers at A-Level / High School level
1989 Lizentiat phil I of the University of Zurich***
***studies with several interruptions for courses abroad, language courses and military promotion


Kantonspolizei Schwyz, reorganisation and positioning
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Chefs der Verkehrspolizeien der Schweiz und des Fürstentums Liechtenstein (ACVS), reorganisation and positioning
Schweizerisches Polizei-Institut (SPI), reorganisation and positioning
Schweizerischen Verkehrssicherheitsrats (VSR), reorganisation and positioning


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Profilbild von PeterMartin Meier MPM Meier Peter-Martin Consulting (c/o reflecta) aus Bern MPM Meier Peter-Martin Consulting (c/o reflecta)