Profilbild von MohammadKabir Abdulsalam Senior Software/Data Engineer aus Berlin

Mohammad Kabir Abdulsalam


Letztes Update: 21.03.2024

Senior Software/Data Engineer

Firma: Freelancer based in Germany
Abschluss: MSc. Software Engineering
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (gut) | Englisch (Muttersprache) | Französisch (Muttersprache) | Japanisch (verhandlungssicher)




Programming: Python (Djan0, FastAPI), Java, JQuery, SQL, Django, Flask, Terraform
Web technologies: REST, Web Sockets, Cloud, GCP, AWS
Data Management: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Redis
Monitoring tools: New Relic, Grafana, Kibana, Sentry


03/2022 - bis jetzt
Senior Software Engineer
Klarna - Sweden (Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen, 5000-10.000 Mitarbeiter)

11/2018 - 02/2022
Senior Software Engineer / Senior Data Engineer
Delivery Hero (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

I worked as both a software engineer and a data engineer at Delivery Hero

Worked closely with Data Scientists to design and create a data orchestration pipeline from scratch that handles hundreds of terabytes of data daily. It also performs data cleaning as well as quality checks. I added an API endpoint to allow other entities in the company to fetch data relevant to their needs
• Developed a Loyalty Point System and an API to interact with it. The service and its API are being used by other software engineers, in the company to create cashback campaigns. This improved the retention rate of many of our customers by 30 % and made them more loyal to our platform.
• Revamped the current billing system for restaurants that use our platform. This helped the company to be more transparent with what it bills the restaurants and in turn, helped the restaurants to better understand their invoices.
• Created a new Payment Service used to execute different types of online payments including credit cards and PayPal.
• On-boarded junior software engineers and coached them on the tools and services we use and guided them through the codebase.

Tools/Tech used: Python, Poetry Django, Celery, Docker, PostgreSQL, Terraform, CI/CD, Kubernetes, GCP, Cloud Composer, Big Query, Airflow, New Relic, Kibana, Sentry, Git

09/2017 - 08/2018
Solution Strategist
Peach Aviation

Peach Aviation - Osaka, Japan (3rd largest Airline in Japan)
* Designed and implemented a RESTful API used by third parties to retrieve the company's flight data for any period.
* Implemented a near real-time flight status system by creating a RESTful API that fetches data either from the database
or from a cache. This system updates itself every 5 minutes and displays future flight data, which are flights that are
scheduled 6 days in advance. It is mainly used by the pilots and cabin attendants to schedule their shifts for the week
and by business analysts to get real time data when needed.
* Installation and maintenance of airport counters and self-check-in kiosks at new flight destinations.
* Designed and develop a GDPR compliant pilot/cabin attendant recruitment platform. The platform records the relevant
data potential candidates and provides the data in a user-friendly usable for recruiters. It enables them, among other
things, to easily search for candidates, rate them on various criteria such as soft and hard skills and aggregate the whole
data to on certain criteria which can help them to decide on which candidate to hire.
Tools/Tech used: PHP, Python, Google Apps Script, CI/CD, Google Cloud Platform, Grafana, Google Big Query, MySQL, JQuery,
CSS Bootstrap

01/2016 - 07/2017
Software Engineer
Platinum Egg

Platinum Egg - Osaka, Japan (Video Game Company - creates mobile and web-based games)
* Developed a system to manage company-related tasks such as employee work statistics and job reports
* Improved the performance of the battle matchmaking by 25% using Redis which made users quickly find opponents
* Improved the time taken for the weekly deployment (which was mainly done using Python scripts) by 30%
* Created a web scraper that scrapes websites for relevant statistical data and downloads CSV files from these said sites.
The program further crunches the data and uses it to update the company's KPI spreadsheets.
Tools/Tech used: Python, pytest, Django, Redis, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, Docker, Jenkins, JIRA


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Profilbild von MohammadKabir Abdulsalam Senior Software/Data Engineer aus Berlin Senior Software/Data Engineer