Profilbild von Mikail Akcocuk IT Systemengineer aus Lengerich

Mikail Akcocuk


Letztes Update: 22.03.2023

IT Systemengineer

Abschluss: Fachinformatiker Systemintegration
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Russisch (Grundkenntnisse) | Türkisch (gut)


Microsoft Azure Linux Amazon Web Services Apple IOS Web Application Firewall Saas Cloud Computing It-Beratung Datensicherheit Desktop-Pc + 9 weitere Schlagwörter anzeigen




AWS, MacOS, firewall administration, Cloud Computing, secure data, computers, DNS, failover, firewall, Hyper V, IT infrastructure, IT consulting, Linux, Linux systems, Azure, Microsoft Azure, Intune Microsoft Office applications, servers, password vault, Saas, VPN, Windows Server, wordpress


06/2021 - 09/2022
IT Consultant
noventum consulting GmbH

Working for a big German bank
administration of certificates
administration of the password vault for different working enviroments
maintenance of infrastructure

application for firewall clearance
administration of packages

07/2018 - 06/2021
noventum consulting GmbH

IT consulting company
Windows Server Administration (AD, group policies, DNS, standard activities)
Administration of the Hyper V failover cluster
First, second and third level support
Administration of Linux systems
Administration of servers in the Microsoft Azure environment
Creation and maintenance of the master image
Sophos UTM firewall administration and VPN management
Hardware inventory
On and offboarding of new employees
Project responsibility for the trainee website in team with the other trainees

08/2016 - 07/2018
Welotec GmbH

Distribution company for industrial devices
Sales of individual components and complete solutions from the product portfolio

Customer support for the product portfolio
Co-supervision of the internal ITC infrastructure
Support with project-related tasks in the area of CRM and ERP
Maintenance and servicing of internal ITC hardware
Support of the internal IT infrastructure

10/2015 - 04/2016
Lücker Services e.K.

IT system house. Offers IT infrastructure and administration
Configuring NAS systems
Upgrade and/or repair computers
Error analysis using tools
Dealing with Microsoft Office applications
Setup and optimization of SSDs in computers
Installation of operating systems
cloning HDDs
secure data deletion according to BSI standard
Delivering goods to customers
Assembly of server racks


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Profilbild von Mikail Akcocuk IT Systemengineer aus Lengerich IT Systemengineer