Profilbild von Michael Schmitz Grafikdesigner, Grafikdesigner, Freelance Designer aus Koeln

Michael Schmitz


Letztes Update: 29.08.2023

Grafikdesigner, Grafikdesigner, Freelance Designer

Firma: Studio Michael Schmitz
Abschluss: B.A. Kommunikationsdesign (scl)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut)




Trained as a communication-designer, my focus lies on corporate identities, editorial design and art direction to help brands and organisations connecting with their audience.

  • editorial design
  • corporate identity
  •  art direction
  •  webdesign

Next to freelance work for different agencies in Mainz, Berlin and Hannover I also gained experience as a guest lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz for editorial and book design. Besides that I held workshops and lectures in different universities in Germany.

As creative lead responsible for professional publications about "visual communication" for
Niggli Publishers (Zurich, Suisse)
Niggli Publishers (Berlin, Germany)
BNN (Tokyo, Japan)
D2D (Krakow, Poland)

Clients (selection):
Architektenkammer RLP, Mainz
Arte Store, Antwerpen
BNN, Tokyo
Braun Publishing AG, Salenstein
BTA (Budde Talent Agency), Berlin
Canon Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt
EditionAndré Frère, Marseille
Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz
Haldern Pop Festival, Rees
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Mainz
Hochschule für Künste, Bremen
Innenministerium Niedersachsen, Hannover
Niggli Publishers, Berlin
Priska Hübsch Interiors, London
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
Rosa Luxemburg foundation, Mainz
Share, Berlin
Thomas Pirot Photography, Mainz
Ventil Verlag, Mainz
Viktor Hübner Photography, Tromsø


01/2017 - bis jetzt
Heinrich-Böll Stiftung

01/2018 - 09/2022
Freelance Designer
Martin & Friends

01/2018 - 12/2021
Freelance Designer

01/2014 - 12/2019

01/2013 - 12/2016
Research Assistant
Designlabor Gutenberg

In 2013/2014 I worked as a student assistant in the production and design of seminar reports.
In winter semester 2015/2016 I worked as a student assistant for Prof. Ulysses Voelker, doing supporting research for two research projects.
In SS 2016 I received a contract as a research assistant for the collection of graphic material for a DLG research project.


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Profilbild von Michael Schmitz Grafikdesigner, Grafikdesigner, Freelance Designer aus Koeln Grafikdesigner, Grafikdesigner, Freelance Designer