Profilbild von Mehedi Hasan UI UX Design is My Passion aus Dhaka

Mehedi Hasan


Letztes Update: 10.08.2022

UI UX Design is My Passion

Abschluss: BSC In Computer Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


I am a professional UI/UX designer and Graphics Designer. I have completed my education background in UI/UX Design. I help startups and businesses to solve user problems with minimalistic clean design and user-friendly layouts. My passion — design for a website, App Design, dashboards, charts, tables... I love to work with data-heavy websites and apps and I really know how to do it. Designed products for entertainment, travel, healthcare, fintech, and many other industries. Hard worker, team player, and problem solver.



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Profilbild von Mehedi Hasan UI UX Design is My Passion aus Dhaka UI UX Design is My Passion