Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Machine Learning Engineer

Letztes Update: 02.05.2022

Machine Learning Engineer

Firma: Sambale-Labs Maurice Sambale
Abschluss: M.Sc medical informatics
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Spanisch (gut)




Dear Sir or Madam,
welcome to my profile.

My name is Maurice Sambale.
In 2019 I started my professional career as a freelancing machine learning expert, 
due to high demand from companies I got to know during my studies, when I was still attempting a PhD at the University zu Lübeck.

I am specialising in training and deploying machine learning pipelines, with development mostly based on python and deployment usually done in C++/C or Java.
I am currently improving my skills in  online pipelines, eg. using spark for data collection and cleaning, and some kind of docker or Kubernetes for training and deployment automation.

My main programming skills are in python followed by SQL, Java and C++/C. 

In the past I have worked with
docker, pandas, keras, tensorflow, pytorch, tensorboard, Java Spring, Lombok, MariaDB, postgreSQL, Ansible, VirtualBox, Linux, Windows, Rasperian, Flask, etc.,
Google-Or tools, geo-tools, YouTrack, Jira, Git, Confluence, Bamboo, Teams, TeamViewer, etc. 

I am a fast learner and always ready to go the extra mile to get things done, even if it means night shifts. 
I love learning new technologies, solving hard problems, and finding hidden correlations in huge datasets.
I am striving to become more proficient in the whole web technology stack.



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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Machine Learning Engineer Machine Learning Engineer