Profilbild von Jana Enderle B.A. Communication Designer Grafikdesignerin Freelancer aus Mannheim

Jana Enderle


Letztes Update: 28.03.2022

B.A. Communication Designer Grafikdesignerin Freelancer

Firma: Jana Enderle Grafikdesign
Abschluss: B.A. Kommunikationsgestaltung
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut)




I'm Jana and I just startet my master studies in Communication Design with a focus on Creative Leadership at the University of Mannheim. My projects are concentrating on social relevance - the process and system behind are essential, not only the final result. During my bachelor studies I was able to focus on conceptual work. That also were very practice oriented. With that experience, the work in different agencies and the challenge as independent freelancer, it is easy for me to adopt acquired skills and methods and plan own customer projects.

The most design tasks I realize with Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I also really enjoy haptic experimentation with different materials and elements in real life.

At the moment I'm focussing on cross media branding. My target is to point up companies their perspectives, enable a strong identification and set clear goals. I challenge myself to participate in shaping the future. In my home town, in the south of Germany, I'm usually called "Dipfeleschisser" – I consider good design to be built on details. In my spare time I'm passionate about typography.



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Profilbild von Jana Enderle B.A. Communication Designer Grafikdesignerin Freelancer aus Mannheim B.A. Communication Designer Grafikdesignerin Freelancer