Profilbild von Gerhard Preisinger Senior Software Developer Java / Node aus Wien

Gerhard Preisinger


Letztes Update: 03.07.2021

Senior Software Developer Java / Node

Abschluss: MSc in computer science (business informatics)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (Muttersprache)




Devloping Software in various Languages and Industries since 2005. For details, please check out my attached CV. Below you'll find a condensed version of the probably most relevant facts.

Hard Skills

Java: language of choice for larger projects. I have 10+ years experience in java backend-development involving a range of platforms like J2EE, OSGI, Spring (Boot) and 3 years on the frontend (Wicket, Eclipse RCP and most recently Vaadin).

Javascript (Node.js stack): language of choice for smaller projects. I have about 2 year experience developing highly performant services on the MEAN 2.0 stack.

Development Skills and Focus

Clean Code: I am an avid follower of Uncle Bob and have adopted his clean code principles for my daily work.

Test-Driven Development: Having worked on larger codebases without sufficient test coverage, I know the impact on productivity, software quality, flexiblity and developer sanity. All my production code will be accompanied by tests. Red Green Refactor.

Fast Learner: I enjoy being thrown into an existing codebase and discover whats where and why. Actually, I find this far more exciting then working on greenfield projects.


For details, please check out my attached CV


Verfügbar in den Ländern Österreich
At the moment only taking on projects in Vienna, Austria.
Profilbild von Gerhard Preisinger Senior Software Developer Java / Node aus Wien Senior Software Developer Java / Node