Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Fullstack Developer React, TypeScript

Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Fullstack Developer React, TypeScript

Abschluss: Studying Business Informatics at the Technical University of Vienna
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut) | Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)


Frontend-Development with React, Polymer
Backend Development with NodeJs, Express, GraphQL, Serverless Functions

Development and optimization of Progressive Web Apps in terms of offline capabilities, caching, performance, server-side rendering and UX

I am used to working remotely within a distributed team leveraging the Scrum methodology.

Working with the following technologies:
  • TypeScript
  • Testing utilities like Jest and Puppeteer
  • Docker
  • BigQuery, Cloud Functions/Cloud Run and Google Cloud Platform in general
Confident with responsive- and mobile first user interfaces with Material UI

Experience in JavaScript Frameworks like Redux and MobX as well as in C and C++

Additional experience in Smart Home Technologies such as ioBroker, Google Homegraph, Google Assistant, IoT


08/2019 - bis jetzt
Junior Cloud Platform Developer
CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Fullstack Development with React and different services on the Google Cloud Platform


Verfügbar in den Ländern Österreich


Cloudpilots GmbH
Fullstack developer (Sebastian Sauerer)
"Simon is an experienced React developer with strong knowledge of TypeScript, Redux, GraphQL and Material-UI. He knows modern ways to test and ship SPA applications and I can highly recommend him to any frontend positions."
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Fullstack Developer React, TypeScript Fullstack Developer React, TypeScript