Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Freier Marketing Berater // Digital Projektmanager
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Letztes Update: 12.01.2021

Freier Marketing Berater // Digital Projektmanager

Abschluss: Diplom-Kaufmann
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (gut) | Kroatisch (Muttersprache)


I am an experienced marketer with more than 10 years of relevant experience and progressive responsibility in various different industries. My previous experience includes leading 360 degree B2C and B2B marketing projects with +7 Million € budgets in both the German and other European markets. I possess extensive knowledge about marketing strategy and partnerships with deep functional know-how in brand development as well as performance, social, and content marketing. I similarly have exposure to digital marketing automation and programmatic advertising. My proven track record includes insights from startup, agency, and corporate environments. I have practical team-building skills, an analytical mindset, and a strong can-do attitude and I additionally hold Scrum Master and Product Owner certifications (PSM I and PSPO I).


on request // auf Anfrage


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz
Ich suche Remote-Projekte

Sonstige Angaben

PSPO (Product Owner) und PSM (Scrum Master) certificates available // PSPO (Product Owner) und PSM (Scrum Master) Zertifikate verfügbar
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Freier Marketing Berater // Digital Projektmanager Freier Marketing Berater // Digital Projektmanager