Profilbild von DrKay Stankov Consulant for statistics, data science and artificial intelligence aus FrankfurtamMain

Dr. Kay Stankov


Letztes Update: 24.11.2024

Consulant for statistics, data science and artificial intelligence

Firma: Ainovate GmbH
Abschluss: Ph.D. in empirical finance with data science and AI, Bachelor and master in mathematics
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


Künstliche Intelligenz Forschung Anlagenverwaltung Finanzen Machine Learning Mathematik Data Science Trainingsdaten Accounting Research Erwachsenenbildung + 60 weitere Schlagwörter anzeigen




As a co-founder and head of data science at Ainovate GmbH, I lead a team of data scientists and engineers who develop and implement AI solutions for various business problems. We have successfully delivered projects for clients in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare, using machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing techniques.

I am also the founder and CEO of Easy Statistik, a company that provides statistical consulting services for academic research and publications. I have helped numerous researchers and students with their data analysis, modeling, and visualization needs, using tools such as R, Python, and MATLAB. I have a strong background in mathematics and economics, with a master's degree in mathematics from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main and an external PhD in empirical finance from Technische Universität Darmstadt. I also completed a master's thesis on option pricing at Technische Universität Wien.

My core competencies include equity research, asset management, and financial services, which I gained from my experience as a research analyst and cooperative education student at Quoniam Asset Management, where I applied AI and machine learning to optimize portfolio strategies and risk management. I am passionate about learning new skills and technologies, and I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to apply my expertise and contribute value to any organization. I am confident in my ability to communicate complex data and insights effectively and collaboratively, and to deliver high-quality results in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.


11/2020 - bis jetzt
Consultant for statistics, data science and artificial intelligence
Ainovate GmbH (Sonstiges, < 10 Mitarbeiter)


Data collection
  • Application Programming Interfaces (API)
  • Simulations
  • Survey concept and execution
  • Best practice data preprocessing
  • Feature engineering
  • Data visualization (e.g. PowerBI)
Data analysis
  • Data mining
  • Data science
  • Factor analysis
  • Scientific hypothesis testing
  • Statistical modeling
  • Cluster analysis, shopping cart analysis and sales analysis for marketing and eCommerce
  • Regression-, time series- and panel data analysis for empirical and economic research
  • Survival time and efficacy analysis for medical research
  • Risk modeling for the insurance and finance sector
AI development
  • AI strategy consulting and development
  • Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning
  • Deep learning
  • Process optimization
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Recommender systems
  • Predictive modeling
  • Trend- and pattern recognition
  • Time series forecasting
  • Price forecasting and optimization
  • Sales forecasting and optimization
  • Liquidity forecasting
  • Customer analyses as churn and demand forecasting
  • Natural language processing (NLP)
  • Computer vision
  • Image recognition and detection
Knowlege Management
  • AI Coaching 1:1
  • AI Training
  • Workshops


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Lieber Leser, wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, ob Ihr Problem mit datenbasierten Methoden der Data Science oder Künstlichen Intelligenz gelöst werden kann, lade ich Sie herzlich zu einem unverbindlichen Dialog ein, um gemeinsame eine Strategie zu erörtern. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Anfrage! Mit freundlichsten Grüßen Dr. Kay Stankov PS: Folgen Sie mir gern auf LinkedIn -
Profilbild von DrKay Stankov Consulant for statistics, data science and artificial intelligence aus FrankfurtamMain Consulant for statistics, data science and artificial intelligence