Profilbild von Stefan Filip Consultant, Software Architekt, Software Development aus Wien

Stefan Filip


Letztes Update: 25.12.2023

Consultant, Software Architekt, Software Development

Abschluss: TU Wien
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




I have worked many years as a full stack software developer as a freelancer.
My career started in 2010 when I developed a web API for a leading insurance company. This software was able to determine the prices of new cars with the help of external data providers and provide this data processed to the insurance company.

At the same time, I helped a small online store with a few thousand euros in sales set up a store on Amazon. My back office software made it possible that orders via Amazon could be processed in the internal system and the work efficiency was increased. The resulting fast-growing online store was successfully sold a few years later.

The next big project I started in 2017 where I was able to implement an employee workforce solution for my client, a world-renowned franchise system. My tasks included the conceptual planning of the software system as well as the direct implementation of some service components. The collaboration in this project is still ongoing.


01/2011 - 12/2015
Full Stack Software Developer
Niederösterreichische Versicherung (Versicherungen, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

After graduating from school, I was hired as a freelancer on a project a few months later. It was about the conception and subsequent programming of a software for the price evaluation of new cars. With this software solution it should be avoided that new cars were insured too high. The program was supposed to be very easy to use for the end user by just entering a unique VIN number. The development of the software itself took about half a year. After that, there were smaller feature implementations over a longer period of time.

My tasks included:
  • The collection of customer requirements and the subsequent planning of the software solution
  • The connection via SOAP to the data service provider DAT from Germany
  • The development of the SOAP interface to the customer
  • The creation of an additional web application for manual vehicle data entry, if the vehicle could not be found in the DAT database.


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Profilbild von Stefan Filip Consultant, Software Architekt, Software Development aus Wien Consultant, Software Architekt, Software Development