Profilbild von Christopher Dresel Senior Software Engineer and Software Architect aus Wien

Christopher Dresel


Letztes Update: 28.02.2023

Senior Software Engineer and Software Architect

Firma: Spatial Focus GmbH
Abschluss: MSc in Information Technology / Geoinformatics
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut)




Software Development and Design
• Build-up of distributed and event-driven systems using Azure Functions, RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus
• Backend development using ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and Swagger
• Frontend development using Razor and Blazor as well as Type- and JavaScript frameworks (Angular, jQuery)
• Mobile application development using Xamarin.Forms and Prism
• Test driven development using Unit and UI testing frameworks (xUnit, Selenium, Xamarin.UITest)

DevOps and infrastructure
• Windows and Linux server administration
• Continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps, Github Actions and Microsoft AppCenter
• Experienced in containerization and container orchestration using Docker Swarm
• Development and distribution of open sources libraries as NuGet packages (downloaded over 500000 times)

Spatial data management and analysis
• Database modelling of spatial data (MSSQL, PostGIS)
• Publication of services using geographic information systems (GeoServer, ArcGIS Server)
• Geospatial standards ISO 191xx, WMS, WFS, Simple Feature
• Development of geospatial solutions using well-known technologies (GDAL, OGR, TopologySuite, ArcGIS)


02/2023 - bis jetzt
Software developer and DevOps engineer
ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation

Development and customization of the external ORF Identity Management with Duende Identity
Server (OpenID Connect, OAuth) and ASP.NET Identity (MediaKey integration). Implementation of
the management and monitoring counterpart with Blazor. Technical support and guidance for the
client developers. Setup of the CI/CD pipeline on OpenShift.
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, MudBlazor, Duende Identity Server, Entity Framework Core, Azure DevOps, OpenShift, Swagger

01/2023 - bis jetzt
Software developer and DevOps engineer
ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation

Development of a Blazor WASM application for the internal management of keywords. Setup of the
CI/CD pipeline on OpenShift.
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, MudBlazor, Entity Framework Core, Azure DevOps, OpenShift, Swagger

04/2020 - 11/2022
Maui / Xamarin Mobile Developer
Austrian customer

Development of a mobile app with Xamarin.Forms. Integration of various sensors with Bluetooth Classic, BLE and USB. Visualization with SkiaSharp and map components. Setup of the CI/CD pipeline on Microsoft AppCenter. Migration to .NET Maui.
Xamarin.Forms, .NET Maui, Bluetooth, USB, SkiaSharp, Microsoft AppCenter

01/2022 - 06/2022
Software developer
Umweltbundesamt GmbH

Implementation of a reverse proxy with ASP.NET Core, YARP and Blazor. Analysis and InMemory caching of OGC web service responses.
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, YARP

07/2020 - 11/2021
Software developer

Optimization of the GIS processing chain for object-based vector and raster data sets by integrating individual process steps in .NET Core with the .NET Topology Suite and GDAL OGR. Revision of the algorithms and use of spatial and non-spatial indexes.
NetTopology Suite, GDAL/OGR

11/2020 - 09/2021
Software developer / architect
Powerserv Personaldienstleistungen

Architecture, design, and development of a recruitment platform according to domain driven design paradigm. Full stack implementation with Blazor WASM SPA and ASP.NET Core backend.
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Entity Framework Core, RabbitMQ, CQRS, DDD

09/2018 - 07/2020
Xamarin Mobile Developer and DevOps engineer
ms.GIS Informationssysteme GmbH

Refactoring and redesign of an existing Xamarin.Forms based mobile app. Integration of RTSP and WebRTC streams. UI Tests with Xamarin.UITest and Selenium. Setup of the CI/CD pipeline with Azure Pipelines and Microsoft App Center.
Xamarin.Forms, Microsoft AppCenter, RTSP, WebRTC, Xamarin.UITest, Selenium


Weltweit verfügbar

Available 50-80%

Based in the Vienna region

After the initial onboarding process, remote work is preferred. On-site share can be negotiated.
Profilbild von Christopher Dresel Senior Software Engineer and Software Architect aus Wien Senior Software Engineer and Software Architect