Profilbild von Akanksha Toshniwal Data Scientist, Knowledge Engineering Lead, Research Associate aus Sindelngen

Akanksha Toshniwal


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Data Scientist, Knowledge Engineering Lead, Research Associate

Abschluss: Doctorate
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse) | Hindi (Muttersprache)


Python, Pyspark, Pandas, Matplotlib, ML models, Time Series, Sklearn, NumPy, Clustering, Statistics, unsupervised, machine learning, Analytics


01/2020 - bis jetzt
Cslt Data Scientist AI&D
Verizon (Telekommunikation, 5000-10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Anomaly Detection on Call Data:
Responsible for Data collection, preprocessing.
Research and implemented various techniques.
Responsible for creating a new algorithm from scratch Completely unsupervised.

Effort Score measure customer struggle on MVO:
Responsible for creating a working model from an abstract idea.
Responsible for research and development of the heuristic model.
Responsible for end-to-end data flow in development.
Filed a patent applicaion.
Story Telling using Data and ML models

09/2014 - 03/2021
Research Associate
Center of Knowledge Analytics and Ontological Engineering

1. Representing the only computer science centre of excellence funded by World Bank in India.
2. Researching and implementing tools for machine learning includes :
i. Devanagari character recognition without using image processing,
ii. Arithmetic Progression learning,
iii. Knowledge extraction using an ontology,
iv. Building an ontology for real-life unstructured data.

01/2018 - 12/2019
Data Scientist

Implementing unsupervised anomaly detection on the vast live structured and unstructured datasets.
Designing algorithms for end to end data handling and modelling.
Perform feature selection for diverse datasets.

05/2017 - 12/2017
Knowledge Engineering Lead
Hotify Technologies

Building POCs for human brain memory simulation on unstructured english stories
Machine Learning on Unstructured Data.
Developing Machine Learning Algorithms.
Human Brain Memory storage simulation.
Knowledge Extraction and Knowledge Analysis on Unstructured Data.
Natural Language Processing.


Weltweit verfügbar
I am willing to travel 95%.
Profilbild von Akanksha Toshniwal Data Scientist, Knowledge Engineering Lead, Research Associate aus Sindelngen Data Scientist, Knowledge Engineering Lead, Research Associate