
Letztes Update: 15.05.2021

Senior Cyber Security Professional IT/OT – Audit | Certified SIEM Qradar - Arcsight | Pentest

Abschluss: Master in Computer Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Avestisch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (Muttersprache)


Senior Cyber Security professional with various knowledge of Security tools, technologies and best practices. More than 7 years of experience in system, network security and Endpoint security. Very strong technical expertise, Technical management and consulting skills. Multiple Technical certifications cover wide range of security vendors (Cisco, IBM Security SIEM Qradar, Arcsight SIEM , Logger, Connector, Stonesoft Forcepoint - Firewalls, IPS, SSL/VPN ). Standards: ISO 27001 LI, ISO 27032, CIS Controls, SANS, NIST Framework ...
-  Audit & Compliance
- Penetration Testing
- Metasploit
- Vulnerability scanning: Nexpose, Nessus
- Kali Linux
- Network and Computer Forensics
- Security Operations center SOC : Processes, Policies...
- SIEM : Qradar, Arcsight
- Security awareness campaigns (Phishing campaigns, Ransomware simulation email comp)



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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Cyber Security Professional IT/OT – Audit | Certified SIEM Qradar - Arcsight | Pentest Senior Cyber Security Professional IT/OT – Audit | Certified SIEM Qradar - Arcsight | Pentest