Profilbild von Kevin Luecke Hands On Engineering & Product Manager (OpenAI, Flutter, Python, Typescript) aus Hamburg

Kevin Lücke


Letztes Update: 11.03.2024

Hands On Engineering & Product Manager (OpenAI, Flutter, Python, Typescript)

Abschluss: Dipl.-Informatiker (FH)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




I thrive in creating and enhancing agile, cross-functional product teams. My core passion lies in constructing viable product strategies that directly address customer pain points. As a servant leader, I foster growth through focused coaching, empowering my team to excel.

My expertise encompasses the whole product lifecycle: from identifying problems, spearheading ideation processes, and creating prototypes, to overseeing implementation processes. I apply methodologies like Domain Driven Design, Clean Architecture, and Service Oriented Architecture to ensure success.

Continuous learning fuels my professional journey, keeping me on the cutting edge of industry advancements. I look forward to bringing these strengths to a dynamic team, creating strategies that both solve problems and drive growth.


2011 - now: CTO Yopegu UG - mobile marketplace for travel guides all over the world, managing and developing websites, iOS & Android applications
2008 - 2011: CTO atVision Websolutions GmbH responsible for managing web development processes, also developing in ActionScript/Flex and Drupal

last freelance jobs:
january - march 2014: market logic software, market research iOS application for Uni Lever
february - march 2014: iOS development for upcoming kids quiz game company Minerva


Weltweit verfügbar
depends on the job
Profilbild von Kevin Luecke Hands On Engineering & Product Manager (OpenAI, Flutter, Python, Typescript) aus Hamburg Hands On Engineering & Product Manager (OpenAI, Flutter, Python, Typescript)