
Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

React Na3ve Developer, iOS SwiD Developer, iOS SwiD & Objec3ve-C Developer

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SwiT, Objec7ve C, Python, JavaScript, SQL, Maps, MapKit, Spring, Django, ReactNa7ve, Git, Xcode, CocoaPods, SPM, Jenkins, Fastlane, Bitrise, Maven, Sonar, Database, Realm, Core Data, SQLite, MySQL, PL/SQL, SQL Server, iOS, Apple, Refactoring, app code, UI, SwiT 5, SwiTLint, SwiTGen, SwiTyMocky, Swinject, SCRUM, Gitlab, XCTest, React, Android, video player, Firebase, Versioning, React Na7ve, JavaScript ES6, Redux, redux-saga, react-naviga7on, Segment, data persistence, Azure, DevOps, CoreBluetooth, MVVM, TSF / Azure, Moya, Android framework, Kotlin, MVC, SDK, Jenkins CI, SwiT 4/5, R.SwiT, Quick, Nimble, Back-End, Jenkins + Fastlane, codebase, KIF, SwiT 4, XCUITest, Unit Tes7ng, requirement analysis, Google, JIRA, Confluence, SwiT 3, REST API, AlamoFire, SwiTyJSON, AFNetworking, API, Mapbox, REST API with Python, Django framework, Google Maps, MVC architecture, social network, Tinder, Cocoa, RestKit, Facebook, Parse, Java, JEE, JUnit, Test driven development, SVN, Java / JEE


01/2015 - 05/2022
Java/JEE Intern Developer
BNP Paribas CIB

Deployment of a new measurement tool in IT Finance applica7ons to power a KPI engine:

* Product requirement analysis and specifica7ons with project stakeholders
* MVC architecture
* Cover wrioen code with unit tests (JUnit)
* Enforce Test driven development with other developers
* Con7nuous integra7on with Jenkins
* SVN versioning
* Agile SCRUM project management

Technical environment :
Java / JEE, SQL, Maven, JUnit, Jenkins, SVN, SCRUM

01/2019 - 12/2020
iOS SwiD & Objec3ve-C Developer

Redesign of the iOS FDJ Point of Sale mobile app and addi7on of new features:

* Member of a Product team of 6 developers (3 iOS, 3 Android)
* Complete revamp of the app network layer with Moya
* Handle data persistence with SQLite & Realm
* Implement common iOS/Android framework with Kotlin Mul7plahorm
* Scale app architecture from MVC Objec7ve-C to MVP-Clean Archi SwiT
* Handle Push/In app no7fica7on with Accengage SDK
* Implement tracking plan with ATInternet & Accengage SDKs

* Enforce new GDPR requirements
* Provide assistance in the maintenance of the Jenkins CI
* Lead SCRUM mee7ngs

Technical environment :
SwiT 4/5, Kotlin, SwiTLint, SwiTGen, R.SwiT, Moya, SQLite, Realm, Accengage, MVP, Clean Archi, SCRUM,
Gitlab, Unit Tes7ng (Quick, Nimble)

05/2020 - 08/2020
React Na3ve Developer

Development from scratch of the mul7-plahorm app for the new OTT plahorm:

* Member of a 3 developers team
* Implement a reusable Design system library
* Implement Redux architecture
* Write unit tests with Jest
* Integrate na7ve iOS/Android video player component
* Firebase integra7on
* Versioning with Gitlab
* CI/CD with Bitrise
* Scrum project management

Technical environment :
React Na7ve, JavaScript ES6, Redux, redux-saga, react-naviga7on, Git, Firebase, Segment, SCRUM

12/2019 - 05/2020
iOS SwiD Developer

Maintenance and addi7on of new features on Chanel internal apps and frameworks:

* Feature team of 8 developers (3 iOS, 5 Backend)
* Handle data persistence with Realm
* Unit Tests with XCTest & func7onal tests with XCUITest
* Work with other developers to maintain SOLID best prac7ses & enforce Clean Architecture
* Migrate the CI from TSF to Azure DevOps
* SCRUM project management

Technical environment :
SwiT 5, SwiTLint, Realm, CoreBluetooth, MVP, MVVM, Clean Archi, SCRUM, TSF / Azure DevOps, Unit Tests

01/2018 - 01/2019
iOS & Objec3ve-C SwiD Developer

Maintenance and addi7on of new features on the SNCF BtoC app:

* Member of a 12 iOS developers team splioed in feature teams (3 Android, 3 iOS, 3 Back-End)
* Development of new features :
o Local disrup7on component redesign (Journey sheet, Train details, Route results)
o Share journey delay/cancella7on
o Compensa7on proposal
* Con7nuous Integra7on Process Op7misa7on (Jenkins + Fastlane)
* Enforce MVVM architecture across the codebase
* Write UI tests with XCUITest & KIF framework
* Handle the migra7on of several modules from Objec7ve-C to SwiT
* SCRUM project management (2 weeks/sprint)

Technical environment :
SwiT 4, SwiTLint, GitLab, Firebase, MVVM, SCRUM, XCUITest, KIF, Unit Tes7ng (Quick, Nimble)

01/2015 - 12/2017
iOS SwiD & Objec3ve-c Developer

Development from scratch of the iUrgence app & Back-end:

* Start app development with Objec7ve-C then migrate to SwiT :
o MVC Architecture
o Handle project dependencies with Cocoapods
o Write network module with AFNetworking library
o Manage data persistence with plist & Realm
o Integra7on of several third party libraries : GoogleMaps API, Mapbox, Mapkit, Spring
* Development of REST API with Python & Django framework

Technical environment :
SwiT 3, Objec7ve C, Python, Django, AlamoFire, AFNetworking, Google Maps, Spring, Xcode, GIT, MVC

01/2016 - 01/2017
Mobile Engineer iOS SwiD
Capsul Protect

Development from scratch of a connected health diary app:

* Product requirement analysis and specifica7ons along with project stakeholders
* Development of the iOS app with SwiT:
o MVC architecture
o Handle REST API call with AlamoFire & SwiTyJSON
o Manage data persistence with Realm
* Write func7onal and unit tests
* Versioning with GIT

Technical environment :
SwiT 3, AlamoFire, SwiTyJSON, Realm, GIT, MVC

01/2013 - 01/2015
iOS Developer

Development of several iOS applica7ons in Objec7ve-C:

* Development of a social network based on the Tinder concept
* Development of a BtoB shared agenda for iPad

Technical environment :
Objec7ve-C, Cocoa, RestKit, Facebook SDK, Parse, GIT


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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, React Na3ve Developer, iOS SwiD Developer, iOS SwiD & Objec3ve-C Developer React Na3ve Developer, iOS SwiD Developer, iOS SwiD & Objec3ve-C Developer