Profilbild von ruelavil RuelAvila MEARN Stack developer aus DavaodelSur

ruelavil Ruel Avila


Letztes Update: 08.09.2022

MEARN Stack developer

Firma: ruelavila
Abschluss: B.C compute sience
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: englisch (gut)


Developed applications using React while managing the State through Redux and Redux -Forms savings 5+ hours of user's time Designed and integrated database using MongoDB that leveraged the React and architecture to yield on-demand and detailed feedback. Simplified reporting to deliver actionable information to servers resulting in multiple servers achieving financial stability by coming in budgy by 2% or more.



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Profilbild von ruelavil RuelAvila MEARN Stack developer aus DavaodelSur MEARN Stack developer